360 degrees of wellbeing – Benefit Systems wellbeing circle

How can employers ensure the wellbeing of their employees, facilitating long-term improvements in their quality of life?

360 degrees of wellbeing – Benefit Systems wellbeing circle

An individual’s wellbeing comprises many factors. The needs of each person are highly individual. How can employers ensure the wellbeing of their employees, facilitating long-term improvements in their quality of life, extending beyond the workplace to encompass their personal lives as well?

Need for comprehensive approach to wellbeing

In recent years, the terms ‘holistic’, ‘all-encompassing’ or ‘comprehensive’ wellbeing have emerged as buzzwords around the globe. We realize that dozens, if not hundreds, of factors have an impact on people’s wellbeing. And the term ‘wellbeing’ has a slightly different meaning for each individual. There is no universal template for wellbeing, but one thing is certain – improved wellbeing of employees outside of work corresponds to greater commitment and willingness to fulfill their job duties.

For employees in Poland, wellbeing encompasses more than one aspect. For the majority, mental wellbeing is important, being cited in 76% of responses in a survey. Social, professional, financial, physical and intellectual wellbeing were mentioned by 65–70% of the respondents. In addition, 39% of those surveyed highlighted the importance of wellbeing related to the environment, and 56% – associated with spirituality. [1] As you can see, there are as many wellbeing ideas as there are individuals.

Given the complexity of the issue, it’s a good idea to find a comprehensive solution. It should encompass all spheres of life, fostering a synergistic approach to wellbeing, where all aspects are interconnected.

We have represented our approach to wellbeing in the form of the following diagram: the ‘wellbeing wheel.’ The inner circle consists of personal elements, relating to the individual needs of each person. The middle circle comprises our products designed to assist the user in each of these aspects. The outer circle consists of systemic solutions we provide to companies that prioritize the wellbeing of their employees.

This is a crucial aspect, as a staggering 90% of surveyed employees have cited a lack of concern for their wellbeing as a reason to seek new employment opportunities. [2]

Strategia wellbeing dla firm

Wellbeing strategy for companies

Aktywność fizyczna

Physical activity

Zdrowie ogólne

Overall health



Zdrowie psychiczne

Mental health


Personal development

Sesje z ekspertami

Sessions with experts

Dobrostan finansowy

Financial wellbeing

Concierge wellbeing

Wellbeing concierge

Warsztaty wellbeingowe u klienta

Wellbeing workshops on the client’s premises

Badania poziomu dobrostanu pracowników

Measuring employees’ wellbeing levels

Konsultacje indywidualne

Individual consultations

Critical wellbeing factors for employees

We have identified six key aspects for enhancing everyone’s wellbeing. These are the areas that demand attention if a company wants to reduce stress levels among employees, enhance their life satisfaction, and improve team effectiveness.

Overall health

In recent years, companies have increasingly realized that every penny dedicated to supporting employee health is a valuable investment. This is because sickness absence entails costs that extend well beyond the employee’s salary, typically involving the need for replacements, training new personnel, and paying overtime. However, the absence of absenteeism does not necessarily mean that employers can be complacent. Research shows that the costs of having sick employees at work can far outweigh the costs of their absence. [3] In practice, therefore, the most cost-effective approach involves attending to employees’ health both preventively, by encouraging them to form healthy habits, and reactively, by providing access to prompt consultations with specialists. Preventive health care brings tangible benefits in numerous ways, ranging from the comfort of living without pain and ailments to maintaining physical and intellectual fitness for years to come and financial advantages, such as reduced expenses on medications.


Dieting is more than just addressing esthetic concerns or pursuing a specific body shape. It also translates to tangible benefits for the company. As it turns out, employees who regularly eat healthy meals achieve up to 25% higher productivity at work compared to those who don’t prioritize healthy eating. [4] It’s not surprising, then, that every company has a vested interest in providing their employees with information on healthy eating and facilitating access to services like nutritionists.

Mental health

A survey conducted for Benefit Systems in 2022 found that as many as 48% of employees expect employers to increase their commitment to mental support. [5] In the same year, as indicated in a Social Security report, mental disorders resulted in as many as 23.8 million days of absenteeism. [6] What strategies can companies employ to address this problem? One of the ways is to embrace wellbeing in its broadest sense. This encompasses not just training or courses but also providing access to individual confidential consultations with specialists.

Personal development

Professional development (including foreign language learning) tops the list of the most desirable benefits, as indicated by up to 65% of respondents in a survey conducted by Kantar for Benefit Systems. In contrast, as many as 51% highlighted the importance of professional online training courses. [5] Companies aiming for a holistic approach to employee wellbeing must consider this aspect. Supporting employee development is a tangible sign of employee appreciation, building competence and contributing to a better working atmosphere.


During times of economic uncertainty, companies pay increased attention to employee sentiment regarding financial stability. At the same time, it’s essential to recognize that financial wellbeing extends beyond the salary. In the above-mentioned Benefit Systems report, as many as 61% of employees identified cafeteria platforms, which ease the financial strain on the household budget, as a desirable benefit [5].

Physical activity

Most employees admit that physical activity helps relieve work-related stress, with as many as 95% of respondents declaring this in the Kantar survey for Benefit Systems. In addition, 93% stated that exercise had a positive effect on memory and concentration, and 91% noted that it promoted creative thinking. [5] In this context, it comes as no surprise that companies are making investments in this aspect of their employees’ wellbeing. A sports card is now a fairly obvious employee benefit. However, modern employers can go beyond and offer much more: from specialized courses (both onsite and online) for their teams to individual consultations with personal trainers.

What are the ways to take care of employee wellbeing?

Implementing solutions to improve each of the above aspects in a company requires huge resources, including people, knowledge, time, and funds. As a result, many companies struggle to address employee wellbeing properly – that is comprehensively – on their own.Over 66% of surveyed employees want flexibility in their choice of various services related to benefits. Also, 56% appreciate the online availability of benefits. [5] Addressing such needs requires a systemic approach.

Each product offered by Benefit Systems supports several elements of individual wellbeing. Together, they form an ecosystem to address the entirety of wellbeing needs.

MultiSport is a brand most recognized as the provider of the iconic sports card. It encourages physical activity, thereby promoting overall health and proper nutrition. In addition, it enables users to gain knowledge not only about sports but also about healthy lifestyles in the broadest sense through informative articles or Design Your Form courses. It offers 40 different activities to choose from, including not only well-known fitness clubs but also options like dancing, a climbing wall, and a swimming pool. It grants access to more than 5,000 facilities across Poland, perfectly suited to user needs. It also provides an extensive selection of supplementary cards for children, teenagers, and people over the age of 60.

MultiLife – a platform that features personalized development programs, apps, and services encompassing various aspects of wellbeing, such as physical health, mental health, personal development, nutrition, and financial security. Through MultiLife, employees can easily access the services of specialists (personal trainers, psychologists, nutritionists, physicians, language instructors, and financial coaches) remotely. In addition, the platform facilitates personal development by offering expert courses and access to e-books and audiobooks (bestsellers from both popular and professional literature).

MyBenefit – the third pillar of the holistic approach to wellbeing, dedicated to ensuring financial security. The platform has the widest range of benefits in the cafeteria module. Employees can use points awarded by their employer for various purposes, such as cultural events, entertainment, travel, as well as online and physical shopping. For HR department employees, MyBenefit offers a variety of digital tools to support processes (including surveys, e-learning, employee applications, e-signature, and more).

Wellbeing under control

Finding solutions that support a comprehensive approach to wellbeing is just the beginning, as navigating such a complex area remains a challenge This is why Benefit Systems supplements its offerings with services for companies:

- support in developing a wellbeing strategy,

- assistance in conducting an internal audit in this area,

- monitoring the progress and effectiveness of wellbeing activities,

- customized training support from experts.

For more information, read our article “How to Tailor a Wellbeing Strategy to a Company’s Needs?”. In the article, you’ll find information about a comprehensive approach to this multifaceted issue.


[1] IRCenter na zlecenie Benefit Systems, marzec 2022 r., Badanie CAWI, na reprezentatywnej ogólnopolskiej próbie N=600 pracujących Polakach w wieku 18-65 lat

[2] Raport Od fali odejść do fali zmian, Deloitte 2022


[4] https://zdrowie.pap.pl/dieta/dieta-ma-duzy-wplyw-na-wyniki-w-pracy

[5] https://biuroprasowe.benefitsystems.pl/215962-raport-benefit-systems-zmeczeni-obojetni-niezaangazowani-postpandemiczne-potrzeby-pracownikow
