– The boss, atmosphere at work, and sense of security – these are the three most important factors affecting the quality of sleep of employees. A good night’s sleep is one of the key ways to keep the team effective and the company efficient, so it’s essential to prioritize sleep quality – says Mateusz Majchrzak, a psychologist, sleep expert, and member of the Polish Sleep Research Society. Describing the optimal ‘sleep log’ of employees, Majchrzak stresses that the minimum amount of sleep is six hours. – You should also consider two contributors to good sleep: maintaining a consistent wake-up time and avoiding disruptions with substances like caffeine and alcohol – he adds.
What is the significance of sleep for overall human wellbeing?
Matusz Majchrzak: Sleep is the cornerstone of people’s wellbeing, and every effort should be made to ensure proper sleep quality. The key is to focus on aspects such as the overall mindset, mood, and emotions. People who have a poor quality of sleep tend to be less patient and empathetic, and also less likely to find the solutions they need.
Negative effects are also observed at other levels, such as biology. For example, in men, the impact of insufficient sleep can result in decreased testosterone production after just one week. In athletes, on the other hand, fatigue caused by sleep deprivation results in significantly poorer performance during training.
Sleep deficit also leads to imbalanced levels of hunger and satiety hormones – ghrelin and leptin, exacerbating tendencies toward unhealthy eating and increasing the risk of obesity. In addition, inadequate sleep negatively affects life expectancy, as shown in studies with senior citizens. It’s not only the quantity of sleep that matters, but also its regularity – for seniors, maintaining regular sleep patterns is a protective factor that can potentially extend life by up to 30%.
What advantages does a professionally active person gain from good-quality sleep?
There is abundant research on the impact of sleep on the work environment. One such study was conducted by Christopher Barnes of the University of Washington, who surveyed company executives. Those who reported qualitatively poorer sleep were far more likely to be unpleasant towards their employees. This implies that insufficient sleep increases the risk of adverse events at work, such as abusive leadership.
Such behaviours decrease employee engagement and reduce the quality of their work. An important point to note is that even though the supervisors’ poor wellbeing negatively impacted the entire team’s work, the supervisors themselves often did not realize it. Numerous training programs focus on becoming an empathetic leader, but it turns out that merely getting more sleep is sufficient to be a better boss.
So would you say that sleep is very important from the perspective of the whole company as an organization?
Definitely yes, and this extends to the wellbeing of employees as well. Studies show that well-rested employees are less inclined to avoid job tasks and express doubt about their usefulness, and... they spend less time surfing the Internet. Conversely, sleep deprivation increases the potential for unethical conduct in the team and... extends the time spent browsing websites during work hours.
In short, a good night’s sleep is one of the key ways to keep the team effective and the company efficient, so it’s essential to prioritize sleep quality. Conversely, the poorer the quality of sleep of employees, the more prone they are to professional burnout. Employees with sleep issues are also more inclined to take sick leave. However, it’s important to note that insomnia can be influenced not only by stress in professional life but also in personal life.
Which workplace factors have a critical impact on the quality of sleep of employees?
The three most important factors include the supervisor, the atmosphere at work, and the sense of security. The ideal scenario involves having a supportive boss who actively works to minimize conflicts in the workplace and ensures predictability in terms of job security, which contributes to financial stability.
However, if your supervisor lacks empathy, it cranks up your anxiety, negatively affecting the quality of sleep. This is confirmed by studies conducted on doctors, known for their demanding work environment. Excessive workload and a lack of a clear work methodology can be additional factors that negatively impact sleep. If these issues affect you, the risk of waking up at 2 or 3 a.m. is much higher.
How should the ideal ‘sleep log’ be structured to ensure employees’ effectiveness in fulfilling their duties?
The minimum recommended amount of sleep is six hours. If you sleep less than that, you’re at risk for problems. At the same time, you must note that while seven to nine hours is considered the optimal length of sleep, few people worldwide actually sleep more than eight hours. You should consider another two contributors to good sleep: maintaining a consistent wake-up time and avoiding disruptions with substances like caffeine and alcohol.
Those who work night shifts for years find themselves in the most challenging situation. In their case, the most problematic aspect is the disruption of the circadian rhythm. It involves not only sleep disturbances but also a lack of exposure to light, unhealthy eating habits, and low levels of physical activity. The sleep quality of such individuals will never be optimal. Their only option is to minimize the negative effects of this situation.
People working day shifts, even if they suffer from insomnia, still have better sleep quality than those working night shifts – they may simply be unaware of it. And those who consistently work night shifts may not fully realize the extent to which their work schedule destroys sleep quality and increases the risk of hypertension, diabetes, depression, and anxiety. In fact, shift work was listed as a potential carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008.
What is the correlation between prioritizing employees’ wellbeing in the company and the quality of their sleep?
The company’s commitment to employee wellbeing brings about positive changes, as people in general may not be able to implement such changes quickly enough. And sometimes a small change can be all it takes to better care for your health. On a personal level, you may consider incorporating morning walks into your routine to ensure sufficient exposure to sunlight, which contributes to good-quality sleep.
Which components of the company’s wellbeing strategy are crucial for promoting healthy sleep?
The most important thing is access to accurate information about specific solutions, facilitated by the HR department or a wellbeing manager. However, equally important are the key elements: the boss, atmosphere at work, and sense of security. They form an inseparable whole. Having a healthy work culture is key to ensuring that on Sunday afternoon you won’t be thinking about potential work challenges awaiting you on Monday morning.
Is taking a nap at work a good idea?
Yes, napping can be a beneficial solution as long as the naps are short, up to 30 minutes, called power naps. Napping doesn’t disrupt your day because during 30 minutes you don’t enter the so-called deep sleep. That’s why more and more companies are introducing nap pods or dedicated nap rooms on the premises. I’m aware of a case involving the CEO of a US insurance company who compensated employees for power naps at work, recognizing their positive impact on team efficiency.
A healthy diet and regular exercise also contribute to improved sleep. So is it the employer’s responsibility to take care of the menu in the company’s cafeteria and implement active breaks during working hours?
Yes, it would be good if these issues were given more attention. Generally, I believe that the less ‘junk food,’ the better it is for your health. At the very least, let’s aim for a moderately healthy diet! However, creating a healthy menu should be done in collaboration with a specialist – an experienced nutritionist.
When it comes to physical activity at work, the idea is as good as it gets. The sight of people using their break time for exercise is much more uplifting than when they dedicate that time to smoking. Most employees appreciate exercise initiatives, as even short sessions of 15–20 minutes boost mood and vitality.
Balancing professional and personal life is a huge challenge. What can you do to get a good night’s sleep during stressful times?
The most effective technique for managing insomnia is to restrict the amount of time you spend in bed. If you’re facing challenges at work or in your personal life, you need to accept that it may result in getting less sleep. If this happen, change the sleep window. For example, if you usually sleep eight hours but are getting six hours during challenging times, adjust the sleep window to 00:00–6:00 a.m. This will increase the sleep pressure, making it easier to fall asleep even during stressful times Given the modern lifestyle, sleep pressure holds fundamental importance. As the situation starts to normalize, you can gradually incorporate more time into your sleep routine.